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C U R R I C U L U M   intent

Art intent 

  • To give the children a love of creating using a range of media, to help them develop an understanding of the world around them and to see the beauty of it and learn to love what they see. In doing this to appreciate the value God puts on humanity in making this our home.

  • To nurture creativity and have a ‘can do’ attitude.

  • To provide a broad and strong foundation and an appreciation of Art, specifically Fine art, drawing and painting, in Seniors in preparation for GCSE.

  • To explore and experiment  with a wide range of materials, which are introduced step by step. 

  • To link with the topics and other subjects through context.

  • To introduce and then refine skills of observation and understanding of colour, tone, texture and use of materials. 

  • To introduce the work of other artists and illustrators.

  • To look at the work of other artists and to learn by studying techniques and understanding the historical context of their work.

  • To develop their own response and the skill of evaluating their own work and that of their peers. Encouraging mutual respect for each other's work.

  • To value the world and their place in it 

  • Learn to take care of the resources available to them.

  • To introduce, then extend and refine the language and terminology used in art.


Design and Technology intent 

  • To nurture creativity and have a ‘can do’ attitude.

  • To provide a broad and strong foundation and an appreciation of design and technology, specifically introducing students to the investigation and analysis of practical situations and the development of their problem solving skills in Seniors in preparation for GCSE.

  • To explore and experiment  with a wide range of natural and man made materials and give  the students an appreciation of their properties; usefulness and limitations and the effect that their use will have on sustainability and the environment.

  • To link with the topics and other subjects through context.

  • To introduce and then refine skills and techniques of planning, designing, drawing, recording, modelling, making and evaluation of their final product / outcome.

  • To inspire the students to use their own imagination and creativity in design as well as drawing on the work of other designers.

  • To acquire knowledge and skills in designing and making.

  • To develop their own response and the skill of evaluating their own work and that of their peers. Encouraging mutual respect for each other's work.

  • To value the world and their place in it.

  • Learn to take care of the resources available to them.

  • To introduce, then extend and refine the language and terminology used in DT.

  • To teach skills in the safe use and handling of different types of hand tools and machine tools in a workshop environment. 

  • To understand different hazards and risks that they might encounter in the school and wider environment.


English intent

  • To understand that God is a communicator, and has created us to communicate through words, including the written word.

  • To see how reading, writing and speaking English well is a way to honor God, the creator of language.

  • To enjoy the gifts of reading and writing.

  • To develop skills in comprehension and discernment in order to access all other areas of the curriculum and grow in understanding, knowledge and wisdom.

  • To develop the habit of reading widely and often for both pleasure, information and to build cultural capital.

  • To develop the skills of writing clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes, and audiences.

  • To present their writing neatly and with care.

  • To use spelling, grammar and punctuation with increasing accuracy.

  • To develop a wide vocabulary.

  • To develop speaking and listening skills to enable children to be confident and effective communicators.


French intent

  • To promote the concept of an orderly, patterned universe, established and maintained by God to glorify Him openly as creator. 

  • To equip all children to recognise key language patterns and concepts as part of God’s orderly universe. 

  • To promote the understanding of the vital importance of grammatical structure and accuracy as the firm foundation of successful language learning and communication and to equip all children with the necessary vocabulary and grammatical tools to communicate in both oral and written French, to the best of their ability.

  • To convey a respect for God’s ultimate sovereignty over all the languages of the world, himself being the creator of them. 

  • To promote and develop an understanding of a Christian world-view of language learning.

  • To provide a broad language-learning curriculum for every child.

  • To enable and develop an appreciation and understanding of a variety of Francophone cultures.

  • To promote the communication skills gained through language-learning as a tool in the study of other subjects. 

  • To work alongside families to ensure that all children make good progress and reach their potential at each stage.

  • To foster enjoyment of language learning


Geography Intent

At Bethany school we aim to provide our students with:

  • An appreciation of the beauty and complexity of God’s created world and our responsibility to steward it well. 

  • Secure locational knowledge, for example: continents, oceans, countries, capitals, major cities, the nations of the United Kingdom, etc. 

  • An understanding of the physical features around them and how they are shaped and changed, eg; rivers, lakes, mountains, coasts, seasons and weather, plate tectonics and climate change, etc.

  • An understanding of human geography including settlements and urbanisation, land use, population, use of natural resources and economic activity, etc, and how the biblical worldview informs the way that we interpret these.  

  • The skills to use and interpret geographical sources including maps, aerial photos, diagrams and globes, etc.

  • An understanding of how geographical knowledge is created through fieldwork, and how this data can be collected, used and presented.


History Intent

At Bethany school we aim to provide our students with:

  • An understanding of history as held in God’s hands, within the Biblical chronology of fall and redemption, and how the Christian view of human nature (made in the image of God but fallen) explains human behaviour throughout history.

  • A good understanding of British history, its chronology and how and when key changes have occured

  • A broad range of world history that reflects our diverse intake

  • In EYFS and KS1, a strong understanding of time, the past and how things have changed in living memory

  • In KS2, a broader understanding of periods of history in Britain and abroad

  • In KS3 we move through the time periods from pre 1066 until the present day, building on KS2 knowledge and vocabulary including notable people and events, showing their understanding and making connections between events. They will assess information, including sources of evidence, to begin to use historical skills; to describe, explain, analyse and reach judgements about the past and how it has been interpreted, and to communicate their ideas in a variety of ways from a biblical worldview. 

  • As children progress through school, an understanding of the work of an historian and how historical accounts are created (sources, evidence, bias, interpretation and critical thinking, etc)


Mathematics intent

  • To promote the concept of an orderly, patterned universe, established and maintained by God.

  • To develop the children's clear logical thinking through exposure to and experience of mathematical pattern in creation and  provide concrete experience of the mathematical features of creation such as:  shape, number, physical quantity, space and time. 

  • To enable discovery and appreciation of relationships that exist between mathematical concepts.

  • To embed fluency, reasoning and problem solving in mathematics.

  • To study mathematical concepts in depth using a mastery approach.

  • To encourage a flexible use of mathematical thought: to regulate and adapt it through the use of strategies; to problem solving, demonstrating initiative, competency and creativity in a variety of everyday situations, and to use it as a tool in the study of other subjects.

  • To increase the children's awareness that mathematics is a powerful means of communication and to introduce the symbolic vocabulary and grammar necessary to the acquisition of this precise language.

  • To provide a broad mathematical curriculum for every child.

  • To enable each child to develop within their capabilities, the mathematical skills and understanding required for adult life, for employment and for further study.


Music intent 

At Bethany school, we value music as we see it is a gift from God. Psalm 104:33 ‘ I will sing to the Lord, as long as I live, I will sing praise to my God while I have being.


  • To understand singing is a way we can communicate with God through song and music.

  • To inspire through enjoyable learning experiences which develops the children’s musical skills.

  • To see music as a gift from God which all can take part and excel in.

  • To develop skills in rhythm, pitch, dynamics, pulse, tempo and timbre.

  • To develop skills in musical notation.

  • To develop listening skills.

  • To learn a musical instrument.

  • To gain confidence whilst performing with instruments and singing.

  • To develop skills in singing and breathing techniques.

  • To expose children to different genres of music.

  • To gain experience in composition.


Physical Education intent

  • To use and develop the physical skills and strengths that God has given us

  • To have joy, and the desire to excel in a broad range of physical activity

  • To develop resilience and perseverance

  • To learn to work both individually and as part of a team

  • To engage in competitive sports and activities, and to learn to be gracious in both winning and losing

  • To understand the importance of physical activity in leading healthy, active lives; acknowledging that our bodies are a gift from God and to be cared for

  • To be physically active for a sustained length of time


Religious Studies intent

  • To understand that God is the creator of the world, and has created us to be able to share this to all the world through the way we live. 

  • To see how Christians worship to honour God.

  • To have confidence in speaking about personal beliefs and why we believe them - whilst being respectful to others of different religions. 

  • To develop knowledge of other religions, beliefs and different ways of  worship to build cultural capital.

  • To understand and respect other Christians views. 

  • To understand about different traditions, pilgrimages and festivals. 

  • To build up bible knowledge


other subject intents to follow.


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