​A B O U T B E T H A N Y S C H O O L

Mr. Charles, Headteacher
I started my professional career as a structural engineer, working for a Sheffield firm of consulting engineers. Some time later, after spending a couple of years in Bangladesh working as a VSO volunteer involved with the construction of a Christian hospital, I decided to take the plunge into teaching. I feel honoured to call myself a teacher and it has been my great privilege to have been part of Bethany School since 2001, and to serve our Lord here. I was apointed as Headteacher in 2021.
​I look forward to meeting you.
Mrs. Ireland, Deputy Head
I qualified as a teacher in 2003 and have worked in Reception and Year 1 in four different schools in Sheffield and Rotherham. I absolutely love teaching, and get to see our youngest childrens’ enthusiasm, resilience and skills develop as they play and learn day by day. Since working at Bethany School I have been privileged to point our children to Jesus as we learn about God’s world together and see that His word is relevant in every area of the curriculum. I have recently been appointed as Deputy Headteacher and am excited to serve the school community in this new role.

We intend that Bethany should remain a small, friendly school run by and for the parents and children involved with the school...
Back in 1986 a small group of parents got together and formed a steering committee with the aim of opening a Christian School in September 1987...