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Inspection Report 2013

In February 2013, Bethany School was inspected by Bridge Schools Inspectorate.


The full 2013 Inspection Report is available here, and key extracts are shown below.



Pupils are well mannered, respectful and aware of what is right and wrong.


The curriculum is coherent, integrating a Biblical world-view into all subject areas.


The school meets its aims well..…The involvement of parents is a real strength of the school..…The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is outstanding..…The environment is enhanced by bright and vibrant displays which celebrate pupils’ work and the ethos of the school. Some of the art work is stunning.


One parent’s comment reflected the views of many: ‘Knowing that I am giving my child the best start in life, academically, emotionally, spiritually, is the greatest gift Bethany could give me.’


On one of the pupil questionnaires a Year 10 pupil simply said, ‘I love it!’


Pupils and teachers are very proud of their school.….One Year 10 pupil commented…..‘I have been helped and encouraged every day. I wouldn’t like to be anywhere else and I am sure that most of the people who have been to this school would say the same.’


The provision for EYFS continues to be very good..…The partnership with parents is outstanding..…The close working environment between this class (EYFS/Reception) and Year 1 means that transition for pupils is seamless.


The quality of education is good..…Teaching is good overall so that pupils make good progress in lessons and some teaching is outstanding..…Most pupils gain higher grades at GCSE. Attendance is higher than the national average.


The school offers an excellent, comprehensive provision for cultural development.



In March 2010, Bethany School was inspected by Bridge Schools Inspectorate.


The full 2010 Inspection Report is available here, and key extracts are shown below.



Bethany School is successful in meeting its aims. It works effectively in partnership with parents to provide a lively and attractive family learning environment. It nurtures sensitively Christian beliefs and provides pupils of all ages and abilities, including the youngest in the Early Years Foundation Stage and those with special learning needs, with a good quality of education. Records of the achievements of pupils in public examinations over several years reflect the progress that pupils make as they move through the school. Both the quality of the curriculum and teaching are good and both have outstanding features. The ‘Family Afternoon’ when parents work with their children is a distinctive and notably successful part of the school’s curriculum. The provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding in all respects and reflects the school’s core Christian values. Pupils are very responsive to their teachers and the opportunities provided through school life; their behaviour is invariably outstanding.


The school’s provision is based firmly on biblical teachings and Christian beliefs which are embedded within and throughout the curriculum at key points.


School records show the high level of success of Year 11 pupils in public examinations.


Pupils confirm that they are well cared for, that they appreciate the support provided by their teachers and that they enjoy being at the school. Their view is supported overwhelmingly by the parents who praise the work of the school and staff.


The quality of information provided for parents is a strength of the school.


The quality of teaching and assessment is good throughout the school. Teaching has a number of outstanding features and overall is of a consistently high quality.


The high quality of planning and teaching in general provides effective support for pupils to make good progress relative to the ages and abilities.


The high quality of pupils’ behaviour is supported by the caring ethos of the school, the positive relationships at all levels, the effective organisation of learning and the teachers’ skillful classroom management.


Teaching addresses the learning needs of pupils with special learning needs and the statement of special educational need very well.


The behaviour of pupils in class and around the school is outstanding. Pupils are very keen to learn and are motivated to do so by the teaching they receive and the positive role-models they have in their teachers. They are confident, polite, respectful, caring and supportive of one another. Pupils are encouraged to use their initiative through contributing to a number of charities and local community events supported by the school.


The provision for Early Years Foundation Stage pupils at Bethany School is good. Some of the teaching is outstanding.


Pupils respond extremely well to the calm and ordered atmosphere set by the staff so their behaviour is outstanding.


Pupils develop good communication skills relative to their ages. Supported by the positive learning atmosphere they experience in lessons throughout the curriculum, they make good progress and develop good speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy skills. The progress made in speaking and listening is exemplified by the thoughtful and confident response of the oldest pupils to questions about their life at school and their future aspirations.



Pupils feel safe and trust staff as shown by a Year 11 pupil’s comment, ‘I have grown in confidence, feel safe and have been prepared well to move on to the next stage of my life.’


Letters kept by the school from past pupils express their appreciation of the spiritual and moral foundations laid in their lives whilst they attended Bethany School.

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Mr David Charles


Bethany School

Finlay Street

Sheffield, S3 7PS

0114 272 6994 Phone

0114 272 6994 Fax

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